City Silo's "Hippie Scramble" At Home

This past December, extreme stomach pain landed me in the emergency room. After several examinations, blood tests, an MRI and ultrasound, I was diagnosed with colitis (an infection of the colon). The doctors believed it wasn’t autoimmune and potentially just something I ate, but we followed it up with a colonoscopy to be sure. Thankfully, the infection completely cleared, but a few pockets of diverticulitis was found. With that diagnosis, my doctor advised that I move to a high fiber diet (plus avoiding popcorn and white bread). She gave me a super comprehensive list of foods to consider (here’s a good list here), but just scarfing down a ton of apples and beans wasn’t going to be behavior I adapted easily. BUT!!!! My spidey senses kicked in and I remembered my love for City Silo’s “hippie scramble” and knew it packed a ton of fiber-heavy foods all in one meal! There’s nothing I’d want more than to head to City Silo everyday to grab one, but decided that the best thing to do for my health and my pockets would be to make it at home.

Since I’ve shared my love of the meal on Instagram seeeveral times and continue to get questions about what it is and what’s in it, I decided to immortalize it here in a blog post! So here you go!


Brown rice, quinoa, black beans, kidney beans, roasted sweet potatoes, kale, avocado and I top mine with two scrambled eggs and a bit of hot sauce or sriracha.


What makes this meal even better is that I can make enough at once to prep for the entire week! I put all of the ingredients on our weekly grocery list. Once I pick up the groceries (usually on a Monday), I get to work prepping.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Peel and dice 2 sweet potatoes. Put potatoes on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Cover in olive oil, salt and pepper and roast for about 40 minutes until golden brown.

While the potatoes are roasting, I cook my brown rice and quinoa.

I empty the beans into a strainer and rinse with cold water, then season with salt, pepper and garlic powder. Sauté the mixture in a skillet for 5 minutes or so.

Lastly, I sauté the kale in a little olive oil and season with salt, pepper and garlic powder just until tender.

Once everything is done, I dump it all into a huge storage bowl, cover with a lid and store in the fridge. I make enough for both Marcus and I, so every morning, after my coffee and smoothie (another way I get my fiber), I pull out the bowl and pour enough of the scramble into a hot skillet to reheat. I then scramble a couple eggs to put on top and then I top all of that with fresh sliced avocado.


It’s the perfect healthy, filling, savory meal to make you feel like a super accomplished healthy person! LOL! I love it so much and eat it at least Monday through Friday for late breakfast/early lunch.