Living Room Tales

It's been a while since I've shown any real shots of the living room. The last time I mentioned it, I was asking you guys what you though about my art options. But, if you follow me on Instagram, you'd know that I not only made a decision, but I, also, ruined the first installation of it. I managed to get a new photo printed and the hubs helped me install it, only for it to be crooked and wrinkled. It was at that point when I decided to let well enough alone.

You've seen my DIY fabric and reupholstered chairs, glimpses of my gallery wall and other little vignettes around the room, but I thought it was high time to give you guys a few more details. So, without further adieu...

One day, I will be able to send these vintage chairs to an upholster. I'd love to see them shine as bright as they did in their glory days. The dingy magenta velvet does them no justice. 

 This photograph, inspite of it's flaws, is one of my favorite projects to date. It's a photo of me from my wedding day that I edited in PicMonkey and had blown up at FedEx Office. The total cost of the enlargement was about $120, and if you add the cost of the frame, which was about $50 (on sale at a deep discount at I.O. Metro), this wasn't the cheapest DIY I'd ever done. But, considering other pieces of artwork this size, it really isn't that bad.

This room is a loooooong way from finished. I need to address the corner to the right of the sofa (see above). It's a total junk corner right now. I'd like to switch out the current rug for something different, like a Moroccan shag. The empty space above my fireplace needs to be addressed. I'm thinking a DIY African JuJu hat may be in my near future. And things like new drapes and pillows wouldn't hurt.

So, that's where we are for now. Be sure to stick with me as this place evolves.