Saturday Styling: The Wet Bar Redo

I can't believe it's already Saturday again! I feel like I was just writing l

ast week's console styling posts

. No really, where did the week go!?! But since it's Saturday, it's time for another Saturday Styling post! And if you follow me on Instagram, you know that this one a breeze!

Before we get into all the pretty details, let's take a walk down memory lane, shall we? Here's what our wet bar looked like back when moved in.

One night, back in November, I had a stroke of genius to install some "floating" shelves. You can read all about that process



A drastic improvement to say the least, but, I couldn't let that brown live another day.

I broke out the paint that we already had on hand, thanks to all the trim and shelves.

Behr Marquee Black Onyx

And after 2 quick coats, I let everything dry overnight. The next day was all about the hardware.

The matte black

hex pulls


nd knobs

were perfect for the simple black on black look that I was going for. Keeping things all the same color cuts down makes for a more modern and streamlined look, but the difference in finishes: matte on the knobs and semi gloss on the cabinets, keep things from filling boring or of one note. Once those were installed, it was time to move on to the faucet.

The shinny chrome became somewhat of an eye soar amongst everything else that was happening. So, I decided to break out the best DIY tool ever: spray paint!

It was an interesting look for the couple hours.

Once the faucet was completely dry, the final layer was bringing in a few accessories and rearranging the shelves. Then, I stepped back, assessed my moves and then called it done! Or at least I though I was done. The more I tried to fine tune the details, the little 1 inch piece of trim at the top of the wet bar opening kept sticking out like a sore thumb (just scroll back up to the previous pic to see what I'm talking about)! Soooo, I broke out the paint from the garage (lovingly left behind by the previous homeowners) and made it disappear! It was the finishing touch I was looking for!

This is now my favorite view! Just a couple days worth of work and a little paint and you can work a few works miracles. The change has really transformed our entire living area; and guess what? There's another semi major transformation coming up soon and I'll be breaking down the details right here on the blog this coming week! But before we go, here's another before and after!