Saturday Styling: My Personal Style

Happy Saturday peeps! So today's Saturday Styling post has taken on an entirely new connotation. This time, I'm kicking off my journey of getting back to sharing my personal style!

Don't worry! Interiors and decor aren't going anywhere! Just know that now, my Saturday Styling posts will now reference both interiors and fashion!

So, the opening photo to this post was an abbreviated collection of my outfit selfies of 2016. No matter where I went, I could never pass up a full length mirror! Work, home, shopping, etc. If there was a mirror, there was also a pic of me standing/posing in said mirror.

However, after a couple months into 2017, there was a shift. My wardrobe didn't change very much, but my desire to photograph it had dwindled almost completely. I had gone from taking a selfie a couple times a week, to maybe once a month. I can probably attribute this shift to two reasons:

1. the imagery in my Instagram feed shifted to almost completely interiors. I had decided to really commit to cleaning up and providing quality content in my feed.

2. I had lost all confidence in my fashion content, as I had fallen deep in the comparison/competition rabbit hole. My outfits, my photos, my Instagram feed just weren't good enough.

So, as a result, 2017 selfies were a slow drip. I really had to evaluate the message that I was speaking to myself versus the message that I wanted to speak to those that follow me and read my blog. I couldn't preach/teach/influence anything if I couldn't be myself. My perspective is valuable. I had to remember that it was actually me that made the difference. And I have never before been more confident in my personal style.

I would describe my style as as trendy-casual with a classic edge. I don't often stray far from jeans and a t shirt (or a slight variation of the sort), but my jeans and tee are usually finished with a blazer/bomber/leather jacket and a difference-making shoe!

Personally, I choose comfort first and style second; hence the jeans and t shirts. Remember, the comfort of your wardrobe/outfit has a major effect on your mood. I chose a couple years ago to not walk out of our home in something that would be uncomfortable or piss me off by lunch. Even when stepping out on more dressy occasion, comfort is still key. I never go for too tight, too short or too revealing because those just aren't me (and I'm not quite back to my beach body).

So when it comes to shopping, I look for pieces to either become a part of my core wardrobe or enhance the core. Over-sized sweaters, colorful brogues, leopard heels, long duster coats, midi skirts, etc. can all be worn with my jeans and t shirt core or even just with each other. The best part is that every single piece can be found on any budget.

I'm so excited to get back to sharing it all with you guys! And just to anticipate a few questions that I think you may have, I've gone ahead and answered a few questions below. If you don't see the answer to a question you may have, drop your questions in the comments below and I'd be happy to answer them!

My everyday "Go To" places for inspiration:


My everyday "Go To" places to shop:

Old Navy
Nine West
Free People