Friday Finds: Fashion Edition: The Foldover Clutch

Since you guys are wanting more fashion over here, I thought I'd kick things off with a little Friday Finds post. I'm also going to be sharing one of my favorite shopping sources.
So, everyone knows that fashion is not fashion unless you're rocking some hot accessories. Lately, it seems that the hottest accessory is the foldover clutch. It's rare to see anyone sporting the shoulder variety anymore. Everyone, especially fashion bloggers, are all going for a more hands-on approach.
Here's how Ashleigh of The Daileigh rocks hers...
So...I logged on to my favorite source and found a few lookers...

Would you believe me if I told you they were all under $40? The hot pink one is less than $10!!!
Now, I bet you're wondering where these beauties are from. I promise I thought loooooong and haaaaard about giving up my source. Then I thought, who better to give my source to than the people that actually value my opinion! (I think) Well, here you go, loves. All of these bags are from the all famous, but never thought about...
I shop eBay for everything accessory related: shoes, scarves, necklaces, bags, whatever. I hate auctions, so I always go for the Buy Now option. A lot of the items come from China, so the shipping time is a little longer than usual (about 2-3 weeks). Even still, I've never had a bad experience with eBay...buying or selling. I love it!
So go forth and shop! And buy me one, while you're at it, because I'm broke as hell!
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