Friday Finds: Etsy Art

I don't know how many of you live under a rock and have never heard of Etsy, but I just can't get enough of the place! It's the best source for non-run-of-the-mill jewelry, home accessories, clothes and whatever else you can think of. Lately, I've been scouring the site for art to add to our little collection and recently came across some really cool stuff.

I saw this robot dude and instantly thought of Davin. I don't know why, buy all robots remind me of Davin. I think its because he picks up things so quickly and its so much fun to watch him learn and process new a little robot. And with Mommy & Daddy's love of music, we're hoping he picks that up too!

Rockin out, robot print

The next two came from the same Etsy shop and would really work well in our kitchen. This one in particularly had me laughing out loud, since we just finished a week long stretch of daily pork dinners.

Pork Butcher Diagram of a Pig -8x10 Print (featured in Charcoal) (Buy 3 and get One Free)

Spatula Whisk Spoon (Kitchen Utensil Art) 11x14 Print (Featured in Canary Yellow) Buy 3 Get One Free

This is my favorite find...and I think I just might shell out the cash for it. We'll see!!!

ARKANSAS Digital Illustration Print of Arkansas State with Cities Listed

So, those are my Friday Finds. Hope you guys enjoy your weekend!
