Last Minute Craft Time!!!

So, Christmas is just two days away!!! I know 99% of you have your trees up and decked out, but if you're apart of that last 1% that's still squeezing in last minute decorating into these final hours, then you may find these quick and easy ideas pretty useful.

If any of you are friends with me on Facebook, then you may have already seen this pic of our family's first Christmas tree...

I'm not your traditional Christmas kind of girl. The red and green do nothing for me, since it's not really my style. I just think your tree should have the personality that your house and family have. I admit that our tree probably has a little bit more of my personality than Mr. Marcus's or Davin's, but they love it just as much as I do.

Y'all know I'm always looking for a bargain. I found this actual tree at Goodwill for just $25 dollars! It wasn't pre-lit (boo), but I did find three sets of white lights with green cords at the same Goodwill for just $5 for all three. That's $30 for a lush 6.5 ft lit tree! I'm sorry, but you just can't beat that. Most of the ornaments on the tree came from Walmart and Hobby Lobby at dirt cheap prices (usually $5 for a set of 12). This year, I wanted the tree to coordinate with the rest of the living space, so I went with a navy blue, lime green, brass, gold, silver & natural theme. I really love how it all came together.

Now, I get to tell you how those funky pieces came to be. Funky pieces, as in the the rope-wrapped ornaments, the string balls & the yarn balls, of course. They were soooo easy to do that it's almost ridiculous to tell you how to make them.

For the rope-wrapped ornaments, I just took one the store bought ornaments and hot-glued some 1/4 in rope I had on hand around and around and around and around the ornament until there was nothing else to cover up. It looked a little something like this:

For the string balls, all you need is some yarn (in any color you choose), some Elmer's or clear drying glue, a tiny bit of water to dilute the glue, and a couple balloons. This one is just as simple as the first. You only pull about 8-10 yards of yarn, dip in your slightly diluted glue, then wrap it randomly around the balloon. Tie a loop around the knot of the balloon and hang them to dry out over night. Once their completely dry, use a chopstick or even a pencil to gently separate the string from the balloon. Then all there's left to do is just pop the balloon and pull out the pieces. Here are a few pics of how this all looks.

The last and easiest tree ornament is the yarn ball. Seriously, all you need is yarn and a balloon. That's it! First you blow up the balloon. Then you wrap it in yarn until you can't see the balloon any more. There's nothing more to it. See below.

These ornaments are fast, cheap, and easy to do. If you guys don't try these out this Christmas season (the next couple days), keep them in mind for next year!

Mr. Marcus, Davin & myself would like to wish all you amazing people a wonderful, blessed & merry Christmas weekend. We pray blessings upon you and yours!