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My Birthday Outfit!

Hey peeps! So my birthday was last week, but I had to come back and show you my birthday outfit! It was completely inpsired by two of my favortie things: TheBudgetBabe blog and my best buddy, Kim Kardashian!


I came across a photo of Kim similar to this one on BB's blog and instantly thought about my new blazer that I scored at Forever21 this past summer.


I'm completely in love with it, but due to sweltering summer heat down here in the south, have never had the chance to wear it...until my birthday!!! Here it is!

Sorry about the photo quality...this was just a quick camera phone pic. But you get the picture, right? I really loved how it turned out. And even though I had it on for all of three hours (remember, I work from home :), I was really feeling myself! Ha!

My outfit breaks down as such:

Coral Blazer & Oragami Crane Necklace - Forever21

Neutral Blouse - Gap

Distressed Skinny Jeans - Abercrombie&Fitch (my 1st pair, btw)

Caged Heels - BCBGirls

And just between you and me, my entire outfit, including eeeevvveerything you see here, only cost me about $105!!! I kid you not! Cross my heart!!!

So what are you guys rockin, now that the weather is finally getting an identity? Share, and share alike!