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Laser Hair Removal with A Beautiful You Medical Spa

Hey friends! Alright, I’ve just had my FIFTH treatment and am ready to give you guys the low down on my experience with laser hair removal!

I’m one of the hairiest people in the world, so when I was offered the chance to try LHR with A Beautiful You Medical Spa back in late November, I couldn’t say yes fast enough! So, if you’ve been following me for longer than the past 6 months, you probably know that I was an avid waxer! For the past 8 years, I’ve had monthly visits to European Wax Center where I was getting waxed from my armpits to my knees. THAT’S A LOT OF DAMN WAX! And, honestly, considering how hairy I naturally am, there was no end in sight. My skin would feel amazing for about 2 full weeks, but my hair grew back like clockwork. And I was spending $1200 a year to watch my hair grow back! That’s almost $10K over 8 years! (OMG I think I’m going to be sick)

But in spite of flushing money down the drain with waxing, I was totally skeptical about LHR. I’d heard so many mixed reviews about how it didn’t work for some people and how is was disastrous for people with melanin skin. So, I sat down with Lorrie Fisk, the owner of A Beautiful You and she broke down all the facts for me.

  1. Over just the past few years, there have been major advancements in technology to improve the process and results of LHR. So if you went through this procedure 10 years ago, I’m so sorry for your troubles.

  2. Since I’m a Black woman, Lorrie says that we’ll be using the YAG laser for my treatments. This particular laser specializes in determining which is hair and which is skin, which is very important since my hair is very close in color to my skin.

  3. LHR process can take up to 6-8 months. Treatments are usually every 4 -6 weeks and you can usually see results after the second or third treatment.

  4. Hormones play a HUGE role in hair growth, so if you go through pregnancy or menopause AFTER you LHR treatments, you could experience grow back.

So, before we got started on my treatments, Lorrie walked me through an extensive consultation where we talked about all of my medical history and skin history. She asked questions about my normal skin routine, whether I have issues with keloid scarring and what were my current methods of hair removal. After telling her that I’ve been waxing for 8 years, first, she gawked because she knew how much money I’d been flushing down the toilet, then she told me that I would have to allow my hair to grow back and then shave it before I could get my first treatment! Since waxing removes the full hair follicle, the laser, which detects the hair follicle, wouldn’t be able to function properly. Good to know, right!!!

Well, after our talk, I decided that I was going to start small and with an area that wouldn’t be devastating if shit went completely left! LOL! We were starting with my underarms. So, after a few weeks of letting the hair grow back, I was back for my first treatment.

Once you’re checked in and called to the back, the lovely ladies give you robe to change into and some wipes to cleans the area of any dirt or deodorant before the procedure.

They have several lasers that are specialized for varying skin types, so they select the proper laser for you.

Since they are working with high intensity light during the treatment, you’re handed protective eye wear and a cooling wand that blows cool air for you to direct on the treatment area in the instance things heat up a bit. They also coat the treatment area with a protective gel to act as a barrier between the laser and your skin.

The specialist makes passes over the treatment area with the laser and pulls a trigger to “zap” the hair follicles. 90% of the time, I felt absolutely nothing. The other 10% felt like tiny little rubber-band snaps that on a scale of 0-10, felt like a 5. Not bad at all.

The entire procedure goes so quickly! For both my armpits, from the point of walking into the room and getting dressed to leave, takes all of 20 minutes!

About a month after my first treatment, I could see the true effects. I would either see/feel no hair at all under my arms, or I would notice how the hair would just fall out when I’d put on deodorant.

Overall, my process has been a major success! Five treatments in and I’ve only had to shave once a month, prior to my scheduled appointments. If there was any hair at all, it was very fine and almost invisible, so I haven’t had to even think about underarm hair. And I’ve had zero scarring or skin irritation, which is amazing!

With the success of my underarms, I’m exited to start on my next area: my legs! I’ll be keeping you guys posted on that process as well!

So, if you’re local to the Memphis, TN area and are contemplating laser hair removal, I HIGHLY recommend giving A Beautiful You Medical Spa a call! They can answer any and all questions over the phone and can even do virtual consultations if you can’t make it in! The staff there is incredibly sweet and even more professional and informed. And they are always running special pricing to make laser hair removal attainable for everyone’s pockets! Call them now and tell them Carmeon sent you!

A Beautiful You Medical Spa | 6750 Poplar Ave Suite 202, Memphis, TN 38138 | (901) 683-8220

Also, be sure to follow them on Instagram and Facebook for the latest updates on promotions!

If you have any questions for me about my experience, just drop ‘em below! I’m happy to answer for you!